On Ask Phivy, I was asked to do a tour of my wardrobe / closet to see how I organize and display my stuff. Thought this would be a perfect video, since pictures can only do so much.
Sorry for the constantly s-s-s-s-s-s-stuttering of my tripod. It was like, SUPER TIGHT (lol TWSS) so I need to like, grease that up.
Tramanh & I love getting questions that we can do video responses to...it makes things much more interesting! So when I was asked how I trimmed my bangs, I thought that was a great video tutorial. Except...I kept missing the camera while I was actually doing the camera (see what happens when you rely on a tripod?!). Anyway! I hope this helps viewers know how I usually trim my bangs for a side-swept look.
I bought this "leather" (haha, it's not real leather) jacket at Loehman's for...$70!! I went online for a reference photo & the real leather one costs 10x as much. Talk about steal! Same brand, same cut, but no animals were skinned AND I still look FAB, lol jk.
We got a question on AskPhivy about how to pair a leather jacket, and I mentioned printed or loose dresses...THIS is totally what I meant. The jacket easily transitions this summer-time staple into a more fall-appropriate outfit. Plus, I mean, I don't think I'll ever take this jacket off. EVAR. I'm sweating in my office right now, but IDUNCURR.
h&m maxi dress, max studio pleather jacket, shiekh shoes