I am so excited because my younger sissy, Christine, has landed in Orange County...for FOREVER! She is moving back to CA after 5 years in Ohio and I'm so excited for her! I'm sad for my parents because truly have an "empty nest" now but I think we're lucky because our parents kind of expect us to move out and on with our lives. This weekend we're spending quality family time together as both of my parents flew in with her - from visiting Ryan's and my wedding venue to having brunches and dinner, I haven't seen my family since Christmas, so it'll be nice to visit them again! But that's the future stuff, let's talk about what I did last weekend. LET'S TALK MORE ABOUT ME GUYS.


You know when you have friendships that are just...easy? This is one of them. My friend (who is 9-months pregnant btw...can I just say I want to look like her when I'm pregnant?!) emailed me at 6am to say hi and low-and-behold, I was randomly up and emailed her immediately back! We decided to do a spontaneous lunch and I'm so glad! She's expecting her baby any day now and I'm just waiting for that text from her!!

On Saturday, Ryan and I went down to San Diego for a spontaneous day-trip and to start our second registry at Macy's. I'll tell you what - we have a lot of Macy's in LA (and a lot in OC) but decided that since we love SDeezy so much, this is a perfect excuse to go. Unfortunately when we finally go there (2+ hours later), I was so tired and hungry I could not concentrate on what pots & pans I wanted. Instead, I just kind of glazed over and started scanning things for the fun of it. Not as productive as we had hoped! But we did get to eat dinner with Ryan's cousins and his fiance. We texted them:
Ryan: "Dinner tonight?"
Cousin: "Sure, any place in particular?"
Ryan: "Nope, up to you guys."
Cousin: "How about vegetarian"
[Me: WAT. Why? No!]
Ryan: "Good suggestion, maybe something else though?"
Cousin: "Cool, how about Korean BBQ?"
How did we go from a vegetarian dish to the exact polar opposite? IDUNCURR, I love KBBQ!
That night I also learned that if I'm watching television and Dallas wants me to pet her, she will tug on my blanket until the remote falls to the ground and push the buttons to turn off the TV. SHE IS A GENIUS DOG.
Though Sunday was St. Patrick's Day, Ryan and I didn't go buck-wild and drink green beer. Instead, it was his Goddaughter's 5th birthday (PRINCESS-THEMED BIRTHDAY), so you know I was all about that. Ryan and I were the only people there without a child and I was going around taking an immense amount of photos so I know I looked super creepers. She's my flower girl, I can stalk her all I want! A few of my favorites:
Stay tuned to my
wedding page - this week I write about how Ryan and I chose a photographer (FINALLY!)
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