Jun 1, 2009

Weekend Update + Line it Up

This weekend my mom flew in from Cbus, OH to visit, and we went to dinner at this Vietnamese-fusion restaurant called Le V Cafe. It was pretty nice, food was good and it was nice to catch up with mommy dearest.

how cute is my mom? she's like 5' tall

bo luc lac (cubed beef), creme brulee
catching up over dinner and drinks

Ryan's in a basketball league, and they have games every Sunday in the LBC; this week's was a good game, especially since they won! I've been to almost every single game - I think I've missed 2, and that's because I've been out of town. Talk about being a dedicated cheerleader!
#8 - old school kobe #

Afterwards we drove down to Orange County again to visit my mom and stepdad, since it was my stepdad's mom's (my step-grandma?) bday. She turned 93. 93!!!

as you can see, i get my round face from my mom!

I'm a fan of eyeliner (both pencil & liquid) and mascara - here's a quick, somewhat dramatic look with the use of both types of liner and minimal eyeshadow:

This look in 5 steps:
1. Sweep a light grey/silver over the bottom of your top eyelids, accent with black on the outer corners, if desired
2. Curl your eyelashes then line your upper lash line with liquid liner - get as close as you can to the lash line, winging the tip on the outer edges.
(I find that if you hold the mirror towards the bottom of your face, and look down while lining, it's easier than trying to line it with your eyes closed or with a mirror in front of you) - Use short strokes if you can't get it in one smooth line at first*
3. Line both the upper and lower waterlines (the inside part of your eyes) with black pencil liner
(Make sure it's clean - I just quickly swiped it with a tissue first)
4. Line your bottom lash line with the liquid liner, add black shadow on the outer corners for additional emphasis, if desired.
(This would be applied right at the lash line, make sure to make it as thin as possible)
5. Add a white shimmer to the inner corners, curl your eyelashes and mascara!

Btw, this week is the E3 show in downtown LA, so I'll keep you guys updated on cool things I see there.


  1. your mom is so beautiful! (and you too of course, hehe!) you probably get it a lot from filipinos saying 'you look like sisters' hahaha! and a vietnamese fusion place? thats the first time i've heard of such a place, but the food looks good!!! :) happy monday steph!

  2. both mom and daughter are gorgeous.

  3. Your mom is so cute and stylish, rocking the cuffed jeans! Um, no, you're the one who's gorgeous! I'm adding you to my links now. :)

    xo, Becs

  4. Your mom looks so young! Not fair! And mmm to all forms of Vietnamese! Grr...now I want a bowl of Pho!

  5. umm...your mom...adorable! we're the same height FYI. lol.

  6. you and your mom are beautiful!!! and that restaurant seems yumsicle!

  7. aww your mom is so pretty! where's le v cafe? that place looks pretty cool and how are the food?

  8. Another great outfit & look! :) Did you get my special email?! I hope you did... if not email me @ carleneccruz@gmail.com so I can give you the details.

  9. You and your mom are both beautiful!! Great photos! That creme brulee looks to die for!!

  10. aww lunch with mom. i love that! i also get my round face from my mom. THANKS A LOT.

    95% of my photos are taken by me with my tripod. You can sometimes see me holding my little remote in pictures haha. my fiance does not know how to use my dSLR and doesn't know how to use Lightroom/Photoshop so he's no help at all! i'm also jealous of bloggers who have bfs that take their photos!!

  11. Can you get any more beautiful? Seriously, girl, you have some great genes! Your mama is a beauty, too! Does she love fashion like you?

  12. awwww you and your mom look so lovely!!!

  13. I love quality time with my mama. The two of you look like sisters!! =)

  14. Both you and your mom look so beautiful.
    Btw, thanks for the tag again, I had so much fun doing it: http://trishiekoh.blogspot.com/2009/06/tag-youre-it.html

  15. Aww, how pretty are you and your mom! Your eyes are so gorgeous... eyeliner is so the best! ;)

  16. great pictures, you have an amazing smile!! :)

  17. I can see where you get your looks from!!!

  18. Such a beautiful n stylish pair! Have a nice weekend!

  19. haha.. i totally like your outfit, and that restaurant look goood. i especially like how you look out onto the carlot. how romantic.


icanhascomments? yes please.