I recently received a request on a tutorial for how I curl my hair with hot rollers. Now that I have shorter hair, I normally use a
curling iron. But when I did have longer hair, my daily routine consisted of my go-to BFF: hot rollers. Although I will say, nothing is as UN-sexy as wearing hot rollers for 20 minutes around the house.
What you'll need:
+ hot rollers
using conair infiniti nano silver hot rollers+ clips (normally comes with the hot rollers)

+ again, with my hair, first thing in the morning: STRAIGHT
+ the rollers are split into 3 sizes: small, medium, & large. i normally stick with the medium & large rollers (the smalls are WAY to small & gives me a pincurl, not cute.)

+ split your hair at it's natural line (mine falls naturally to the right)
+ take about an inch of your hair at the top & a medium roller; roll your hair INWARDS (down towards you)
+ same with the other side
+ continue to do so under the rollers so that you have two rows of curled-in rollers on each side of your head (should have used 4 medium curlers)

+ take an inch of hair in the back & medium roller; roll it in as you have been
+ take an inch of hair below that & roll it in as well (at this point, you've used all 6 mediums rollers)
+ use the large rollers now & continue to curl one-inch sections of your hair until all is complete

+ use a large roller for your bangs - but make sure to take it out after a few minutes or else you'll get FOB STATUS bangs

+ how your hair should be curled in from the left, back, & right
+ leave in for 20-minutes (or how long it takes for you to put on your make-up). also the middle curler turns white when it hot & red when it's cooled, that's also a good indicator of when it's time to take the curlers out.

+ when removing the hot curlers, make sure to remove them vertically to keep the curls taut
+ i remove based on how i put them in (sides, then back)

+ shake your hair!
+ with shorter hair, it'll make your hair extra short, so be forewarned - your longer hair will weigh it down & it won't look as...intense...

+ reppin' OSU. go buckeyes!
questions? ask here!