Aug 14, 2012


During our weekly statuses for work, we often recommend shows, songs, concerts, or apps to explore. One suggested by my director was MyFitnesssPal available on both iPhone and Android. You can input where you are weight-wise, where you want to be, the level of activity you do, and it'll pop out how much calories you should eat per day. You input your exercise, your food intake, etc. and it monitors and tracks your progress. The funny thing is, I have 2-3 apps that do very similar things (Nike+ and MapMyRun both track my fitness and calories burned), Calorie Counter allows you to input what you eat each meal and tracks it accordingly. But the great thing about this is that our coworkers (and my sister) signed up so now we can see any new activity. It also is pretty educational (tells you how many carbs, sugars, fiber, etc.) each food is worth, and also has a barcode scanner for packaged foods!

Today is my first day. It's almost 2pm and I've had both lunch and's a screenshot of the website. I have 816 calories left for any snacks, dinner, and dessert. 

I usually input the food intake on my phone:

We'll see if we keep this up. The most annoying thing is to be THIS detailed, but just like my blog, it definitely keeps me accountable. I recommend it...but again this is only Day 1. haha.

Oh and in case you were wondering what construes a 95-calorie workout, it's just a 13 minute, 0.64mile morning walk with Dallas:
Sadly, the pluot I ate for a snack was 80 calories. WHY!


  1. YES!!! I LOVE this app - it definitely puts into perspective how much of an impact certain foods make on your day AND the positive impact exercise makes :) One of my best friends has lost 20 pounds since the beginning of this year with this app - truly amazing! :) Thanks for sharing Stephanie!

    1. Aww thanks babe! Yeah, I love this app...but it's kind of a pain in the ass to always input my food. I swear I'll get sick of it, but hopefully I can keep this up! :)

  2. I love the new direction your blog has taken! Thanks for being honest about your food and exercise; it definitely makes you a lot more relatable than a lot of other blogs. :)

    1. Aww, glad to be helpful where I can be. I mean, let's be real, it's a RARITY when girls DON'T struggle with fitness and getting back in shape. I'm thinking strong and fit is the new skinny. :)

  3. I've been using this, too! It def keeps me accountable, but I didn't use it during Labor day weekend, well.. b/c you know I rather not see what my intake was on those "cheat" days :P It takes soo much self-control and discipline. Keep up the good work!


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