Mar 15, 2010

What Boy Doesn't Own Flannel?

There are times where I feel like wearing Rye's old comfy flannel shirts & leggings - a really cute & simple outfit. Then I realize Rye literally does not own one flannel shirt. What boy doesn't own a flannel shirt?!

mossimo sweater, bp leggings, f21 belt, qutie heels
above: i called this my "power rangers" pose
p.s. i totally blanked on the brand of the shirt - i'll post an update.

Any good weekend stories? [I need a pick-me-up this Monday]


  1. Ah, you look gorgeous as always! Don't worry -- my boyfriend doesn't own a single flannel shirt, either. And I own 5 LOL. Love this look ... and I iwsh I had some good weekend stories to share but it was horrible weather all weekend so I just played tons of Final Fantasy XIII ... which was good enough for me. Hope the rest of your week is great! :)

  2. my bf doesn't have a flannel either...

    actually, he does but it's more like a flannel coat and it's far too ghetto for me to ever rock.

    you look gorgeous, lady!

  3. Love, LOVE your hair! I just got my hair cut yesterday and am so regretting it :(

    I always gave my SO a hard time about his flannel shirts but he loves them and wouldn't donate them haha!

  4. i love the wearing your bf's shirt look. i've tried. and i failed. :( you look super cute as always...i think i'm gonna try the look again. haha.

    i am in love w/those shoes!

  5. those shoes.. i love! good weekend stories??? hmmm.. nothing that you havn't read on my blog yet. haha! my weekend pretty much just consisted of paralympic games, pacquiao fight, eat, eat, eat!

  6. haha, i was about to ask if you thought that you were Trini! But you already beat me to it with your Power Rangers reference.

  7. thank you for bday comment and kind words. i like those shoes you have in this post!

  8. Cute and sexy outfit! Hmm I don't think my bf owns a flannel shirt either!


icanhascomments? yes please.